var data = [
{name: "A", year: "2001", rank: 1},
{name: "A", year: "2002", rank: 2},
{name: "A", year: "2003", rank: 1},
{name: "A", year: "2004", rank: 2},
{name: "A", year: "2005", rank: 2},
{name: "A", year: "2006", rank: 3},
{name: "A", year: "2007", rank: 3}
], [
{name: "B", year: "2001", rank: 2},
{name: "B", year: "2002", rank: 1},
{name: "B", year: "2003", rank: 2},
{name: "B", year: "2004", rank: 3},
{name: "B", year: "2005", rank: 4},
{name: "B", year: "2006", rank: 2},
{name: "B", year: "2007", rank: 1}
], [
{name: "C", year: "2001", rank: 3},
{name: "C", year: "2002", rank: 3},
{name: "C", year: "2003", rank: 4},
{name: "C", year: "2004", rank: 4},
{name: "C", year: "2005", rank: 3},
{name: "C", year: "2006", rank: 4},
{name: "C", year: "2007", rank: 4}],
{name: "D", year: "2001", rank: 4},
{name: "D", year: "2002", rank: 4},
{name: "D", year: "2003", rank: 3},
{name: "D", year: "2004", rank: 1},
{name: "D", year: "2005", rank: 1},
{name: "D", year: "2006", rank: 1},
{name: "D", year: "2007", rank: 2}
var xScale = new Plottable.Scales.Category();
var yScale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
// Making sure 1 is on top and 4 is on the bottom and adding some padding
yScale.domain([4.5, 0.5]);
// Making sure the ticks are integer numbers
var colorScale = new Plottable.Scales.Color();
var legend = new Plottable.Components.Legend(colorScale);
var linePlot = new Plottable.Plots.Line()
.x(function(d) { return d.year; }, xScale)
.y(function(d) { return d.rank; }, yScale)
.attr("stroke-width", 3)
.attr("stroke", function(d) { return; }, colorScale);
var scatterPlot = new Plottable.Plots.Scatter()
.x(function(d) { return d.year; }, xScale)
.y(function(d) { return d.rank; }, yScale)
.attr("stroke-width", 3)
.attr("stroke", function(d) { return; }, colorScale)
.attr("fill", function(d) { return; }, colorScale)
.attr("opacity", 1);
data.forEach(function(d) {
var dataSet = new Plottable.Dataset(d, {name: d[0].name});
var plots = new Plottable.Components.Group([linePlot, scatterPlot]);
var xAxis = new Plottable.Axes.Category(xScale, "bottom");
var yAxis = new Plottable.Axes.Numeric(yScale, "left");
var table = new Plottable.Components.Table([
[null, legend],
[yAxis, plots],
[null, xAxis]
var adjustOpacity = function(plot, legendText) {
plot.attr("opacity", function(d, i, ds) {
return ds.metadata().name == legendText ? 1 : .2;
new Plottable.Interactions.Click()
.onClick(function(p) {
if (legend.entitiesAt(p)[0] !== undefined) {
var selected = legend.entitiesAt(p)[0].datum;
adjustOpacity(scatterPlot, selected);
adjustOpacity(linePlot, selected);
new Plottable.Interactions.Click()
.onClick(function() {
scatterPlot.attr("opacity", 1);
linePlot.attr("opacity", 1);