Adds an IncludedValuesProvider to the Scale.
Adds a padding exception provider. If one end of the domain is set to an excepted value as a result of autoDomain()-ing, that end of the domain will not be padded.
The provider function.
Gets the upper end of the domain.
Sets the upper end of the domain.
Gets the lower end of the domain.
Sets the lower end of the domain.
Removes a callback that would be called when the Scale updates.
Adds a callback to be called when the Scale updates.
Gets the padding proportion.
Sets the padding porportion. When autoDomain()-ing, the computed domain will be expanded by this proportion, then rounded to human-readable values.
The padding proportion. Passing 0 disables padding.
Gets the range.
The current range.
Sets the range.
Removes the IncludedValuesProvider from the Scale.
Removes the padding exception provider.
The provider function.
Gets whether or not the scale snaps its domain to nice values.
Sets whether or not the scale snaps its domain to nice values.
Gets the TickGenerator.
Sets the TickGenerator
Gets an array of tick values spanning the domain.
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